Friday, May 1, 2009

Cusco, Peru - Day 6

So one thing you realize after traveling for an extended period of time is that there are quite a number of other travelers who travel on the same gringo route. The pooling of travelers seems to grow exponentially when you visit the unique monolithic tourist attractions. Since Cusco and Machu Picchu are some of the undoubted highlights of South America, over the week period, we ran into three sets of Brazilian and Argentinean friends that I had met previously in Argentina and Chile. I even ran into middle aged French couple that was on my Solar de Uyuni tour in Bolivia over a month prior.

But the group that we easily ran into the most is this mix group of Argentineans from Cordoba. I met them on a tour of Tiwanaka in Bolivia. After parting ways I didn’t expect to run into them again. But on a boat trip to Copacabana on Lake Titicaca about 4 hours from La Paz, Marcus tapped me on the shoulder. On a tour in Cusco of the outlining temples and structures, Matt and I ran into the two girls in the market place. Then in Machu Picchu, then on top of Waynu Picchu, then at a restaurant, and finally watching a 12 piece traveling band perform in the Cusco town square. It’s a small world after all.

Cusco, Peru - Day 6

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