Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Japan - Day 4

Some general observations about Japan in my very brief time there...

1. the place is IMMACULATE...I didn't see a single piece of litter on the subway or on the street...nobody eats or drinks on the subway so everything is really clean...there seem to be some pride in keeping their country clean...interesting enough there aren't very many public trash cans either...people seem to keep their trash until they get home...

2. they seem to be an obsessive culture...whether it's baseball, clothes, style, or food...they do things to an extreme but in a good way...take a look at the pictures of the harajuku girls and the greasers...

3. they are extremely polite...we heard 2 stories from other backpackers. One guy needed to get to the post office and asked a business man on the street how to get there...the business man told him that it closes in 30 minutes and that it's across town. So the business man insisted that he drive him there in his Mercedes while the wife sat in the back...

Another guy was in a 7-11 and needed to find a store...he asked directions but the cashier couldn't explain them in she gets a coworker to cover the cashier and walks him 10 minutes to the other store...

I could envision these scenarios occurring in the US; however, I doubt they would happen as was refreshing to see their warmth and hospitality...

4. the women must take at least 3 hours a day to get ready…everyone is so made up and perfect looking…

5. they are very individual and unique but within their cultural norms…everyone looks different but similar if that makes any sense...

6. in almost every restaurant, coffee shop, or quaint little cafe there is 90's hip hop or rap music playing rather loudly in the background. Some of it is really obscure but they have much love for ja rule and ashanti...

Japan Day 4 - Harajuku

Japan Day 4 - Misc

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